Watch D.O.G.S. Spring Kick Off
Multicultural Night
PTA Membership Meeting
The Scholastic Book Fair (Spring & Fall,) Story Night, Fall Festival, Spring Dance & Silent Auction, Class Parties, Multi-Cultural Night, Reflections Contest, Teacher Appreciation Week, End of Year Celebrations, School Spirit Wear, In-School Programs, & so much more!
VolunteeringFrom Lunchroom to Work Room and Thursday Folder Helpers, Library Assistance, our fantastic Watch D.O.G.S, wonderful Room Parents, & our PTA Board Members. Thank you to ALL!
Contributing towards PTA fees for yearly events, stocking the lounge for Ogle Staff, donating pies during the holidays, Teacher Appreciation Week, and so much more!
Board PositionsThere is always a spot for you on our team! The PTA Board has spots open each school year. Let us know your interests and we can help you find the right role! You can be involved as much or as little as you'd like!